golden shadow

The “Golden Shadow” is what psychiatrist Carl Jung called our submerged greatness. It hides our undiscovered strengths which we often discover in an intense admiration in other people. The bright qualities that we admire in others represent the disowned aspects of our unlimited creative potential.
I believe there is something powerful and beautiful in this shadow part and I hope that the drawings and poem that emerged while I underwent shadow work myself, inspire awareness in others.

“Slowly we can see
The light we have dimmed down.
We start to feel
A strength we don’t let out.
Admiring others
Intensely is what we do.
How they look, talk,
Achieve and how they move.
We submerge
And don’t let shine
Our best self
We hide behind.
Reclaiming our light
Is scary and takes courage
To let it shine bright
Letting no one judge.
Even if it feels too big,
and others become furious,
Share a magnificent gift,
And dare to be glorious.”