thank you

My artistic creations wouldn’t be possible without the following people. I am deeply grateful to each of them for having entered my life either personally or through their own creations.

My parents, Christiane and Fernand, as well as our ancestors, for having given me life.

America Sanchez for encouraging me to draw again and for all that precious feedback.

María Eugenia Manrique for teaching me the art of Sumi-e painting and various other life lessons.

Merche Subirana for not letting me escape and teaching me the art of loving through remaining.

Muditosan for guiding me through the Mystic Rose and teaching me to trust in touching paper or body from the heart and the non-mind by cultivating presence.

Thank you also to the following people for their inspiration and wisdom.

· Painting

Cesar Manrique     

Egon Schiele

Fabienne Verdier

Miquel Barceló

Hilma af Klint

Ōtagaki Rengetsu

Toko Shinoda

· Spiritual guidance

Bert Hellinger

Caroline Myss

Clarissa Pinkola

Claudio Naranjo

Eckhart Tolle

Elizabeth Gilbert

Ken Wilber


Ramana Maharshi

· Poetry

Joy Harjo

Leonard Cohen

Mary Oliver

Rainer Maria Rilke


Rupi Kaur